Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"A Statement of Grievances is in Order"

This week, in place of his usual blog post on Living in Dialogue--one of my highly recommended regular reads for educators, by the way--Anthony Cody yields his space to reprint the speech of School Superintendent John Kuhn, who spoke at a "Save Texas Schools" rally this past Saturday.  The speech really is amazing, and worthy of sharing here as well.  As you read Kuhn's words, substitute "Virginia" for "Texas," and "Richmond" for "Austin," then tell me you don't feel the larger connection of a national agenda that replaces the politics of "Hope" with the politics of "Blame."

Here's just a teaser; please click the link below to read the whole speech.

"This government has neglected the classics and has called on our children to become technicians instead of humans, regurgitators of math and science facts, who produce well-rounded bubbles in place of well-rounded souls; it has sought to make our children quantifiable shells of people, their guiding light of curiosity snuffed out by an idiot's opinion of what constitutes a human education."


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