Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sonia Smith Scribes Safe Schools Suggestions

Special thanks and congratulations to CEA's Second Vice President Sonia Smith for her contributions to NEA's new report on violence in our schools, "Sensible Solutions for Safe Schools." 

Sonia worked with colleagues from across the country through virtual collaborations as part of NEA's online pilot project, "VIVA (Voice Ideas Vision Action) Idea Exchange." The report was just released on the NEA website and can be found at the link below.


Monday, April 29, 2013

Standardized Testing Forum "by the Numbers"

Flyer-quiz for Citizens Standardized Testing Forum
Print this flier
and answer the questions
to see how much you know
about standardized testing
"by the numbers."

Citizens Standardized Testing Forum

Tuesday, April 30th, at 7pm
 Midlothian High School Library

The nationwide debate over excessive standardized testing and its deleterious effects on student learning and quality teaching continues to grow. 

As Virginia revamps SoLs yet again, while making student performance on mandated standardized tests a significant part of teachers' evaluations, it is important for our community to understand and act on this costly trend in education assessment. 

Please share not only with CEA Members but also friends, neighbors, and all stakeholders. Hope to see you Tomorrow night!