Thursday, May 19, 2011

Communications Overhaul

More Big Changes to CEA Communications

Updates. They weren't very frequent last year. We heard you. The new website added a lot of content, but it wasn't as user-friendly as we'd hoped (nor was it as webmaster friendly). We received a number of props on the new look, as well as the information available, but ultimately we just couldn't meet demand from the office. So we're making changes again. The website will soon be revamped and connected to other companion information vehicles as part of a broader CEA Communications Plan. We hope you will find it more useful and relevant. It will certainly be simpler and faster to update, while still providing the information you are asking for most. As always, please continue to let us know what works and what doesn't, so we can try to continually meet the needs of our diverse membership. Thanks for your patience while the dust settles.

5 6 7  8-Part Plan
Wow, every time we think we've got it all figured out, we talk to a member who gives us a new idea.  While some parts of the plan have been implemented throughout the year, let me share the progress of the plan as a whole.  The 8-Part Plan includes all of the following ways to communicate with CEA:

  1. The Website: (links, phone numbers, documents, and basic info)
  2. The Blogs: CEAstories (the issues and events blog) and Frankly Speaking (the President's blog)
  3. The YouTube Channel: ChannelCEA (internally and externally generated content) 
  4. The Facebook Page: Chesterfield Education Association (quick updates, reminders, polls, and opinions) 
  5. The E-mail account: first initial followed by last name @ (we are not on 
  6. The Newsletter: CEA Emphasis (hardcopy updates of CEA working for you)
  7. The Live Visits: Wednesday Walks (on-site conversations with the President and UDs)
  8. The Building Reps: First Responders (the ones closest to the action and the people you know best)